
woman retreat

15-20 oct 2024




Welcome to a 6-day retreat

of unapologetic self-discovery

and authentic expression


We believe in our body wisdom, our innate ability to grow

and heal, in human & nature medecine.

We believe women are powerful as fuck.

We believe leading our projects, our lives with our hearts,

will make the world a better place.

We bring consciousness, playfulness, love and care, to nourish

our connection to ourselves and the world, to fill our lives with ​depth and joy.

We thrive to grow as humans, to build authentic nourishing ​relationships and share our gifts to the world.

We allow and honnor every part of our human experience,

and support each other in our growth.

A Heroine Journey

We invite you to a 6-day transformative & nourishing retreat.

Louve is a space to come back to your body, to the earth,

and to explore your power, spirituality & sensuality.

It’s your invitation to strengthen your inner fire, mindful ​presence, deep self-love & sense of purpose.

In a safe & magical environment, we hold each other on our ​human journeys, we heal and grow.

Our Love Story

We met in India, each on our individual journey.

Through women circles, sharing wisdom, holding each other, crying loud, laughing even louder, dancing like wild creatures, a strong friendship seedling started to grow.

We decided to create retreats together, because we admire & trust each other deeply, even more so coming from extremely different backgrounds.

Most importantly, we strive for excellency on workshop and retreat facilitation, dedicated to give our very best in service to our participants.

We’ve witnessed our individual and collective magic and know how much that’s exactly what the world needs right now.

And let’s be honest, we love creating together deep, safe, playful & life-changing experiences.

Daily Magic

How we live our days, is how we live our lives...

Through building habits fostering health, care & sovereignty,

we create the pathway to live our best lives in our bodies & minds.

  • Daily Yoga (Hatha, Vinyasa & Yin) or Movement
  • Mindfulness practices
  • Breathwork or Pranayama
  • Healthy, plant-based, rich, wholesome food
  • Invitation for silent mornings
  • Nature connection, cold plunge, journaling, rest...
  • 2 embodied workshops per day learning deep self-growth tools & ​practices, exploring movement, arts, sensuality & intimacy
  • Transformative Breathwork journeys & sacred plants rituals
  • Vocal activation & singing
  • Sharing Circles fostering sorority, vulnerability & authenticity

Deep Dive Workshops

Through embodied & tailored experiences, we will share practices that ​have changed our lives, and help us grow as women & humans.

  • Intimacy & sexual sovereignty: how to communicate boundaries & ​desires, explore somatics & touch, embrace fully our bodies & ​pleasure and leave shame at the door.

  • Non-Violent Communication & Authentic Relating: relate and ​communicate with authenticity, compassion, empathy and design ​our ideal relationships.

  • Empowerment & entrepreneurship: connect stronger to your inner ​purpose, design & sustain the life you want, birth & grow your dream ​projects today.

  • Women Health: eating & working according to your cycle, your ​body’s wisdom, learn Biohacks & movement for longevity.

  • Art & Nature magic: exploration of sensuality, vulnerability and ​intimate expression through movement, art, vocal activation & ​learning from nature wisdom

Rituals & Ceremonies

Our Breathwork & Sound Ceremonies are transformative yet accessible ​journeys, tapping into our inner medicine for self-exploration.

Breathwork helps release stuck emotions, integrate parts of ourselves ​that have been shut off, bring balance to our mental, emotional, physical ​& spiritual bodies. Marie brings her unique ability to create a deep, safe, ​mystical journey with intentional movements, sounds, vocal activation & ​the power of the Breath. With this powerful & safe modality, we drop out ​of our day to day thinking state, into a more deeply connected healing ​state, and let the innate & universal intelligence take over.

Blue Lotus is a potent yet subtle flower ​medicine that can bring us into a state of ​focused euphoria, relaxing the mind & body ​while opening up consciousness and sensory ​capacity, so we can connect more deeply to ​the pleasure of living. A divine ally on our ​women's journey...

Cacao & Blue Lotus Rituals & Explorations

Beyond its amazing health benefits for the ​mood, health & energy, Cacao is a sacred ​plant medicine that is known to open our ​hearts, guiding us into connection with ​ourselves & each other, opening us up to our ​joy, higher visions & creativity.

Dance, when you’re broken open. Dance, if you’ve torn the bandage off. Dance in the middle of the fighting.

Dance in your blood.

Dance when you’re perfectly free.


The Shanti


Welcome to our Sacred Forest Haven.

What we love at Shanti Space is the instant feeling of nourishment, magic, safety and wilderness we experience at each of our visits.

This incredible venue is nested in a beautiful woodland valley, at the foothill of a wolf-preservation reserve, 30 min from Lisbon & 20 min from Ericeira beach.

This family-run retreat sanctuary is the ideal place to rest & restore well-being whilst bathed in the loving embrace of nature.







A heart-crush & soul-home.

With 300 days of summer, the wildest ocean, a vibrant nature, and a warm & generous community, Portugal is a unique and magical European haven that we've all fallen in love with.

Here we love how the unique environment allows to aligns with nature's rhythm, enjoy a healthy, active & sustainable lifestyle, and connect with a purpose-driven conscious tribe.

If you haven’t already, we can’t wait for you to fall in love too.

One day

at a time...






Herbal tea & Fruits

Invitation for Silence until Breakfast

Yoga or Movement & Mindfulness

Wholesome Breakfast

Workshop or Nature Exploration

Lunch & Siesta





Embodied Workshop

or Movement Exploration


Circle or Yoga nidra

Soft Wind Down

Bed time

Food is medicine

We are what we eat...

As alive, abundant and colourful as we can be.

Our chef Zoe from Wild Delicacies draws ​knowledge & inspiration from the intersection of ​modern nutrition science & spirituality.

Through our retreat we will be nourished with the ​most wholesome vibrant food for our bodies & ​souls.

Diet will be plant-based, gluten-free, with vegan ​& vegetarian options, based on local & seasonal ​recipes, fresh farm products & including only ​high-quality dairy & eggs.

We will also be feeding you with nutrition tips & ​biohacks to learn how to honor your health, ​cycles and lifestyle, and gain the most energy ​from your food.


Prices & Rooms

15-20 oct 2024

Private En-Suite (1 pp, Double Bed)

Shared Twin Room (2 pp, Twin Beds)

Comfy Dorm (8pp, Large Bunk Beds)

2'000 €

1'500 €

1'000 €

All inclusive packages.

  • 5 nights accommodation of your choice
  • All workshops & activities
  • 3 gorgeous meals a day, unlimited fruits, tea & coffee
  • Not including transport to the venue, massages.

Bookings before 31-July 24 receive an earlybird discount of 100€



We bring a broad spectrum of skills, very different energies and life experiences that complement each other and will support you to tune into the different archetypes and forces inside you, to balance and grow in each of them.

The entrepreneur, the lover, the witch, the power house, the yogini, the dancer, the healer, the earth guardian, the wild woman....





Elsa is a creator, change-maker, rebel, acrobat & ​yogini. She’s obsessed with the body’s wisdom, ​self-growth & making dreams come true.

For the past decade, she’s been creating & ​supporting projects towards a positive impact on ​the world, through entrepreneurship, angel ​investing & coaching.

After successfully growing her own company, she ​took a life-changing journey to heal & grow out ​of burnout & work trauma.

She now focuses on mentoring other creators to ​grow projects sustainably and driven by a sense ​of care for themselves, their people & the world.

A yoga practitioner for 10 years & gymnast since ​she could walk, she found in movement the best ​medicine to release trauma in the body, create ​healthy habits & new neuronal pathways.

Trained as a teacher in yoga & movement flow, ​she shares her practice to support self-love and ​health through easy daily habits.

@firekushi @elsahermal






Elisa is a Communication & Movement Facilitator, and an erotic Dancer. Using ​tools such as Authentic Relating, Non-Violent Communication, and Somatic ​Therapy, she aims to help people feel more free, challenge societal norms, ​and embrace all the parts of themselves- the weirdo, the star, the child, the ​boss, ...

Drawing from her own challenges and her experience in dance, she is ​dedicated to helping people feel better in their bodies, embrace their ​sensuality, and express themselves through movement with vulnerability and ​sassiness.






MMarie is a Certified Breathwork & Sound Facilitator, Ceremonialist, ​musician and singer. Her work is infused with the richness of different ​cultures, weaving together practices and teachings from Eastern, modern, ​and ancient shamanic traditions.

She is a student of non-dual philosophies and of nature wisdom, a heart-​led yogini, an energy worker, and an initiate of Holistic Dance Language & ​Feminine Mystery Schools.

Marie creates uniquely curated spaces in a strong field of loving presence, ​sharing what has served her in the 9 years of nomadic living, learning and ​healing. In doing so, she brings an energy that allows participants to ​journey safely into the depths of their own hearts.



guest facilitator


sexual health & welness

Luna (she/her) is a somatic sex educator, sexological bodyworker and ​pleasure activist with a mission to guide & empower people towards a deeper ​understanding of their sexuality and a more loving relationship with their body.

She is committed to fostering a safer & inclusive environment for all bodies & ​genders, supported through trauma informed trainings & extensive ​experiences as a participant and facilitator in sex positive spaces.

Luna brings her knowledge of the pain and pleasure body through somatic ​practices, consent education, bodywork and rituals to enhance physical and ​emotional intimacy.

Guiding clients and group participants on transformative journeys toward a ​more fulfilling and harmonious relationship with their erotic mind and bodies.





food magician

Wild Earth food for body, mind and spirit. So is Zoe’s motto.

She strives to provide wild, grounding, creative delicacies for retreats & ​ceremonies.

Her work is grounded in her spiritual anchor and a life close to nature. She ​weaves in her wisdom in herbalism, the most recent researches in nutrition ​and gastro-intestinal diseases, as well as her intuition and spiritual ​practice.

Her path towards balance and a true, authentic and nurturing connection ​to food has started with her own self-work and she has since accompanied ​many women to healing their relationship with food, and finding harmony ​in their life starting with the food they eat.

Her alchemy is unique and nourishes whatever needs to be, with love, care ​and dedication.


From our last retreat...

“There is a Before and an After this retreat.

Through game changing workshops, incredible ​movement sessions, it was an invitation to reconnect

to my body, emotions, and present moment.

The team is dedicated to make every second

of the experience count, from day 1 to the end.

Magic also happened during time off and delicious ​dinners, meeting inspiring people.

I arrived thinking I needed to start a new career,

and came back with the memory of Why I had ​started

my project 5 years before - reconnected to my body,

my emotions, my inner child.


Eva - retreat participant

quote mark



Loba Wolf

As we gather on the sacred grounds of our retreat, surrounded by the serenity of a wolf sanctuary, we're drawn to the profound symbolism of this magnificent creature.

The wolf embodies qualities we seek to cultivate within ourselves: resilience, complex intelligence, playfulness, and a deep sense of community.

Just as the wolf thrives in its pack, we too thrive when we come together, supporting and uplifting one another.

As we embrace the spirit of the wolf, we embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, guided by the wisdom of the wild.

Feel free to reach out to receive more details ​and ask any question:


+33 761 188 608

We look forward to hear from you,

With Love,

Elsa, Marie & Elisa

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